The International Agricultural Exhibition (SAWSANA held in Amman-jordan, by the Technical consultancy Center. The aim of the activity is to achieve the advancement of the Jordanian agricultural sector, promote the leading agricultural sectors in the Kingdom and encourage investments in the sector in cooperation with government and private agencies in the friendly Arab and foreign countries.

SAWSANA ( 29-31/05/2025)
Sawsana exhibition is the ideal platform that allows meeting the professionals of the agriculture sectors not only the local or regional ones but also the international in order to maximize the opportunity to grow business and get updated with the latest market technologies and trends. Ministers from Arab and foreign countries stakeholders, business men, investors and owners of companies and factories specialized in the exhibition sectors will attend the exhibition In addition to a selection of heads of international organizations and owners of factories and companies and decision-makers specialized in the agricultural sector. The exhibition visitors include high-ranking officials, major producers, manufacturers, dealers, agents and distributors looking to explore partnerships and growth opportunities within the largest and fastest growing market. SAWSANA exhibition hired with several agents deployed in the most important countries of the world and in the exhibition fields from ” China, India , Turkey , Singapore , Iraq , Lebanon , Egypt, Ksa” That will make SAWSANA exhibition feature this year by the availability of large spaces for each country and will be available with all its possibilities and methods to open the way for exhibitors to showcase their products in a way to attract visitors to the exhibition and achieve their goals of participation

Exhibitors Profile
SAWSANA is the first and only exhibtion specialized in agriculturel sector in
Sawsana aims to promote agricultural products, technologies, and supporting
services .It provides a platform for participants to exchange knowledge, expertise
and presents an opportunity for cooperation and business deals.
The exhibition is recognized by international and local companies which showcase
to visitors the latest practices, techniques and technologies to meet the needs of
the agricultural sector. this agricultural exhibition also hosts researchers and
representatives of study centers and consultancy firms from Jordan and the

Why Exhibit ?
-Explore the latests Products and services
-Promote joint venture opportunities between Jordan Business enterprises and foreign investors.
-Networking with professionals , producers, suppliers, and buyers.
-Establishing businesses related to agricultural sectors .
-Learn about new trends and developments within the Food, Beverage and Ingredients industry.
-Learn about the latest agricultural technologies.
-To grow your business and brand in jordan and the region .
The Jordan International Exhibitions Center was established to meet the local and international conferences and exhibitions sector needs. Its location in Mecca Mall was chosen because Mecca Mall has a strategic and vital importance, in addition it is centered in the heart of the capital Amman.
The Jordan Center for International Exhibitions has the latest facilities in addition to its proximity to services, which makes it important at the level of the capital Amman.
The Jordan Center for International Exhibitions covers an area of ١١٠٠٠ square meter. It includes land for show rooms and various activities (show rooms, bazaars, and concerts), a conference hall and a wedding hall equipped with the best heating, air conditioning and sanitary services. It also includes offices for regulators and telecommunication services channels in terms of telephones and the Internet because of the importance of this sector to all countries, including Jordan.
-M a.nagers of established agricultural companies in the middle east.
-Businessmen interested in fertilizers , pesticides , irrigation systems , medicinal & ornamental
plants , nutural products
-Engineers specialized in fields related to agriculture and environment
– Farm owners and faarmers
– Representatives of commercial departments of embassies
– Researchers , instructor and university students
– Presentatives of corporations , associations , ministries and governmental institutions
Exhibiting Details:
$250 per m2 , minimum area allowed 12m²
Full furnished booth with:
1. One table, two chairs, Spotlight, 2 Power Socket,2 shelves, partition system.
2. Name panel “English, Arabic”
2 .3 Advertising pages for official catalogue
4. Your company logo.